Monday, March 21, 2011

Rice Krispies Re-Created

My daughter wanted to make Rice Krispie Squares this weekend. It occurred to me that someone out there has probably re-invented the rice krispie square to make it healthier. I love making my baked goods have some nutritional value and lower sugar content if possible. Thanks to nutritionist Joy McCarthy who posted her version here, we were able to do just that! 

I modified the recipe slightly by mixing in half a cup of sunflower seeds, as well half a cup of wheat bran. I'll probably add more of each next time. I sprinkled ground flax on top, then added sprinkles on top because when you're 3, everything needs sprinkles. 

These Rice Krispies were DELICIOUS, and hard to resist.

I'm thinking this is a great birthday party treat, and honestly, with sprinkles on top, what kid is going to know that these are actually a source of protein and are low in refined sugars?????

Hope your family gives this healthy twist a try together!!!!

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